Garage Door Services

(510) 692-4545

A garage door is not just a part of your home, but an essential line of protection for your property that enhances its curb appeal. It's the first line of defense for your property and plays a vital role in the curb appeal. When something's not functioning properly with your large garage door, you'll need expert help to get it sorted.Whether you're dealing with a noisy opener or a broken spring, Matthew Garage Door Repair is here to fix all your problems. We have years of experience working on various types and models garage doors. This expertise allows us to handle any repair job quickly and efficiently.

The Value Of Professional Help

Gone are days when DIY repairs were viable options; modern garage doors have complex mechanisms demanding expert attention to fix. And that's where we step in. With Matthew Garage Door Repair, you're getting service backed by years of practical experience and a deep understanding of the industry.At Matthew Garage Door Repair, we're committed to providing outstanding service as well as our expertise in the field. We get how annoying garage door problems can be.

Business Hours

Sunday: 8am-8pm
Monday: 8am-8pm
Tuesday: 8am-8pm
Wednesday: 8am-8pm
Thursday: 8am-8pm
Friday: 8am-8pm
Saturday: 8am-8pm 

(510) 692-4545